How-To: Request To Remove User(s)

If you have a team member whose Zuub access needs to be removed, you can send in a quick email requesting removal. Follow along this step-by-step guide to see how.

How To: Request To Remove User(s) (Step-by-Step)

Please follow these steps to send in your request:

  • Create an email to send to 
  • Subject > Remove Existing User(s) RequestYour Company Name.
  • Within the Body of the email please include the following:
    • Please add the following user(s):
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Email
      • Title
      • Account ID
        • NOTE: IF you have multiple accounts, please indicate the Account IDs that should be applied for the user.
        • Please refer to the How-To: Find Your Zuub Account ID Help Center article if you need assistance in locating your Account ID.

Email Example  (Solo Practice)

Email Example (Multiple Locations)