How-To: Set up Cigna Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Zuub streamlines access to Cigna patient benefit breakdowns by securely navigating Cigna's two-factor authentication (2FA). Follow this step-by-step guide to learn more.

Set up Cigna 2FA: Step-by-Step

  1. Inform Zuub you’d like to set up the Cigna 2FA solution by reaching out to your designated Customer Success Manager. You can also email Zuub Support at, or chat with us via the bottom right hand corner of your Zuub portal.
  2. Zuub will assign you a phone number and email to add as a user in your existing Cigna account.
    1. NOTE: Only one account can be used per Tax ID. Please do not create an additional account if you already have one.
  3. Login to your Cigna portal with your regular login credentials. Ensure you are a "Website Access Manager" in the portal.
  4. Once you’ve logged into the provider portal, navigate to Working with Cigna → Manage User Access → Add New User.
    1. Note: Only Access Managers can add new users. If you do not see the option to manage user access upon login, please contact Cigna Support to identify your Access Manager.

    Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 1.41.19 PM
  5. Add the below information and click "Assign Access."
    1. First name: Insurance
    2. Last name: Admin
    3. Job role: Administration support
    4. Phone number: Add the phone number provided by Zuub
    5. Email address: Add the email address provided by Zuub
  6. Select "Assign Access by Individual TIN" and click "Next."
  7. Select the below entitlements and click "Review."
    Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 3.04.40 PM
  8. Click "Submit."
  9. Copy the temporary username and password and provide that information to Zuub Support or your Customer Success Manager.
  10. Our team will finish configuring your account and ensure Cigna verifications are going            through correctly. We will follow up once QA is completed.

This resource was updated 12/09/2024.